Pills, Planes and Politics by Dr Imre Loefler

The book Pills, Planes and Politics is a collection of short stories written by Dr Imre Leofler. A frequent lecturer and prolific writer, Dr. Loefler commented with wit and insight, in both learned journals and the popular press, on topics ranging from the eating habit of the martial eagle in Tsavo National Park to the consequences of unchecked population growth. this book records his views and comments on these topics. Proceeds from the sell of this book will go towards supporting charity.
Dr. Imre Loefler was born in Hungary. He studied medicine, philosophy and history in Germany. He trained as a surgeon in Germany and the USA. He later moved to Africa where he taught and practiced surgery in many countries before settling as a brain surgeon at Nairobi Hospital. He was a nature lover and a regular horse rider in Ngong Road Forest, which he sought to protect.
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Can you tell me how much this book will cost including shipping to NSW, Australia?
Hello Kate, the book costs 2000 Kenya shillings but i will get back to you about the shipping costs.When do u need it?..which shipping company between DHL and UPS do you proffer?